
Click the image to go to the pages to solve the puzzles!

G, A and S were designed around the logo I designed for the Cracking the Cryptic Community Discord server's Genuinely Approachable Sudoku Series. Check out GAS here

Sudoku - Fly Screen

Normal sudoku rules apply. Also, cells in the same relative position in each box can't be the same (for example, the top left cells of each box contain a set of the digits 1-9)

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. Digits separated by a V sum to 5. Digits separated by an X sum to 10. Not all dots, Xs and Vs are given.

Sudoku - G

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in a cage cannot repeat and sum to the total given.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are given.

Digits increase along a thermo going from bulb to tip.

The highlighted area is for aesthetic purposes only.

Sudoku - A

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in a cage cannot repeat and sum to the total given.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are given.

Digits increase along a thermo going from bulb to tip.

The highlighted area is for aesthetic purposes only.

Sudoku - S

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in a cage cannot repeat and sum to the total given.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are given.

Digits increase along a thermo going from bulb to tip.

The highlighted area is for aesthetic purposes only.

Sudoku - glass beach

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits separated by a V sum to 5. Digits separated by an X sum to 10. Not all Xs and Vs are given.

Digits along the thermo increase going from its bulb towards its tips.

Digits on a pink renban line form a consecutive, non-repeating set of digits.

Digits along a blue region sum line sum to the same amount within each region it goes through. Different lines may have different totals.

Digits in the quadruples circle appear in the surrounding four cells. The red circle surrounding it is for aesthetic purposes only.

Sudoku - Celeste

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a V sum to 5. Digits separated by an X sum to 10. Not all dots, Xs and Vs are given.

Digits on a pink renban line form a consecutive, non-repeating set of digits.

Digits along a blue region sum line sum to the same amount within each region it goes through. Different lines may have different totals.

Adjacent digits along a green German whispers line have a difference of at least 5.

Sudoku - 4x4.5

Normal 4x4 Sudoku rules apply. Also, caged cells outside the grid may be filled with any digit from 1-9. Black kropki dots separate digits in a 2:1 ratio. Digits outside the grid are X sums; the first X digits from the direction of the clue sum to the value of the clue, where X is the digit closest to the clue.

Sudoku - 8thby8th

Normal 8x8 sudoku rules apply. Also, cells in the same relative position in each box can't be the same (for example, the top left cells of each box contain a set of the digits 1-8)

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are given.

Digits strictly increase along a thermo (eg 1->3, 2->7, but not 5->3).

Digits along a blue region sum line sum to the same amount within each region it goes through. Different lines may have different totals.

Sudoku - Cry Me A RiviR

Normal rules apply.

Digits along a thermo strictly increase from bulb to tip.

Digits along a grey line form a palindrome (eg a line may have a layout of 1,2,3,2,1 but not 1,4,5,1).

Digits on a grey circle are odd.

Digits separated by a white dot have a difference equal to the number in it.

Sudoku - Test Launch

Normal 4x4 sudoku rules apply. Also, circles outside the grid must contain any digit from 1-9. Cells outside the grid without a circle have no digit inside of them.

Orbits: Circles outside the grid form "orbits". Outside circles the same distance away from the grid are in an “orbit” together, shown by the rings of dotted lines. On an orbit, digits within circles form a strictly increasing loop going clockwise or anti-clockwise around the grid, of which the direction is to be determined by the solver. The sequence of digits wraps back around exactly once (Eg 5-7-8-2-4 going either clockwise or anticlockwise works on a five circle orbit as it always increases and only wraps back around once.) Digits outside the grid do not effect the 4x4 grid except when connected with another clue.

Kropki: Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are given.

Sudoku - Blast Off!

Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply. Also, circles outside the grid must contain any digit from 1-9. Cells outside the grid without a circle have no digit inside of them.

Orbits: Circles outside the grid form "orbits". Outside circles the same distance away from the grid are in an “orbit” together, shown by the rings of dotted lines. On an orbit, digits within circles form a strictly increasing loop going clockwise or anti-clockwise around the grid, of which the direction is to be determined by the solver. The sequence of digits wraps back around exactly once (Eg 5-7-8-2-4 going either clockwise or anticlockwise works on a five circle orbit as it always increases and only wraps back around once.) Digits outside the grid do not effect the 6x6 grid except when connected with another clue.

Arrows: Digits along an arrow connected to a white circle sum to the digit within the white circle (dotted circles outside the grid on an arrow count towards the arrow and do not count as an arrow's circle.)

Kropki and Inequality Symbols: Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio. An inequality symbol points to the lesser of the two digits it borders. Not all dots and inequality symbols are given.

Killer Cages: Digits inside a killer cage cannot repeat and must sum to the value given or satisfy the equation given.

Sudoku - Boxing Ring

Normal sudoku rules apply. Also, digits cannot repeat along the indicated diagonals.

Digits in a cage cannot repeat and sum to the total in the top left corner (eg a 12 cage could contain 1+3+8 but couldn't contain 1+2+3 or 3+6+3).

Digits increase along a thermo in any increment (eg 1>5>6>8 is valid but not 3>7>6>9).

For each region the blue region sum line goes through, the digits on the line in those regions sum to the same amount (eg going by region 1+8 then 9 then 2+7 works).

Digits along the pink renban line form a consecutive nonrepeating set of digits (eg 3,7,6,4,5 but not 1,3,4,2,6 or 4,5,7,6,4)

Digits separated by the black dot are in a 2:1 ratio (eg 1 and 2, 6 and 3, etc)